257 items match "Bass - Sheet Music"
Festival Performance Solos, string bass; various (Carl Fischer)
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Orchestral Excerpts for Bass, volume 1 (Zimmermann) (Int
List Price: $21.95
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Orchestral Excerpts for Bass, volume 2 (Zimmermann) (Int
List Price: $21.45
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The Real Book, volume 1, bass clef; Various (Hal Leonard)
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Sonata No. 3 in A Minor, RV 43 for bass and piano; Antonio Vivaldi
List Price: $17.95
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Sonata No. 5 in E Minor, RV 40 for bass and piano; Antonio Vivaldi
List Price: $34.95
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Die Meistersinger theme, Bass & Piano; Wagner (CF)
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Winning Rhythms by Edward L. Ayola
List Price: $5.99
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Rhythmical Articulation; Bona
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Audition Day; Blaise Dejardin (Opus Cello)
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The Rhythm Train, book one; Dana D. DeKalb (Dana DeKalb)
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Elson's New Pocket Music Dictionary (TP)
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Music Dictionary; Essential Dictionary of Music (Alf)
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Practical Theory Complete; Feldstein
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Principles of Violin Playing and Teaching; Ivan Galamian (M&M)
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The Inner Game of Music; Barry Green (DD)
Out of Stock
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