Baroque Suite for violin and piano (or harpsichord); Adolphus Hailstork

Baroque Suite for violin and piano (or harpsichord); Adolphus Hailstork Baroque Suite for violin and piano (or harpsichord); Adolphus Hailstork Baroque Suite for violin and piano (or harpsichord); Adolphus Hailstork Baroque Suite for violin and piano (or harpsichord); Adolphus Hailstork

Baroque Suite for violin and piano (or harpsichord) by Adolphus Hailstork

Published by Theodore Presser.

Adolphus Hailstork's (b 1941) is one of the foremost African-American composers working today. His style and output cannot be pigeonholed as one type of music--he has written in all classical genres and finds as much inspiration in European models as he does in African-American culture.

Hailstork's ''Baroque Suite'' for violin and piano (or harpischord) is a bit of a departure for the composer. It features four standard Baroque movements, with traditional ornamentation and tempos, but with a touch of Hailstork's contemporary voice. The Sarabande and Air are lyrical and expressive movements, while the Prelude and Gigue are faster rhythmic and lively passages. Intermediate-advanced level, Grade 4.

Book Type: Repertoire
Ensemble: Accompanied Solos
Publisher: Theodore Presser
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Regular Price: $12.95
Ensemble Accompanied Solos
Book Type Repertoire