JSI Special Violin String Set: Gold Label E Loop, Dominant A, D, G

JSI Special Violin String Set: Gold Label E Loop, Dominant A, D, G
Catalog ID: STVNJSI17_1NAL

Using our 30-plus years of string instrument experience we have put together a great sounding 4/4 Violin string set at a very attractive price. This is a best selling 4/4 Violin string set in our stores. Pirastro Gold Label E strings are one of the most popular E strings on the market, working well with many other strings. These strings are liked by orchestral players for their high volume and full sound. Dominant series violin strings are one of the most widely-used synthetic strings. A highly flexible, multi-strand perlon core makes these comparable in sound and feel to natural gut.

Set Includes:

  • Gold Label Violin E - steel: Medium, Loop
  • Dominant Violin A - aluminum/perlon: Medium 131
  • Dominant Violin D - aluminum/perlon: Medium 132
  • Dominant Violin G - silver/perlon: Medium 133
Weight: 0.1 lbs
Brand: JSI Special
String: Set
Size: 4/4
Core Material: Synthetic
Gauge: Medium
String End: Loop
In Stock

Johnson String Instrument
String Gauge 1
String End L
String Set Set
Core Material Synthetic