The Hot Cross Buns Book for Cello; Cassia Harvey (C. Harvey Publications)

The Hot Cross Buns Book for Cello; Cassia Harvey (C. Harvey Publications)

The Hot Cross Buns Book uses fifty variations on Hot Cross Buns to teach basic finger patterns and rhythms on the cello.

The book is especially useful as a training tool for very young beginners, with large notes and finger numbers. Cello teachers can use this book as a method supplement, giving their students ample material for learning notes and counting patterns. Students can learn at their own pace, progressing through the variations quickly, or as leisurely as they need to. This book can accompany

The Open-String Book for Cello and Learning the Cello and can be followed by The 'Mary Had a Little Lamb' Book for Cello. Level 1A

Weight: 0.3 lbs
Book Type: Method
Publisher: C. Harvey Publications
In Stock

Book Type Method