Beginning Technique for the Cello; Cassia Harvey (C. Harvey Publications)

Beginning Technique for the Cello; Cassia Harvey (C. Harvey Publications)

Beginning Technique for the Cello

  • Written for the beginning cello student, this book presents simple exercises to train the left and right hands. These studies correspond to other cello methods that teach one finger at a time. Beginning Technique introduces students to the idea that studying exercises will show tangible results in their playing. Cello teachers can use this book with their students as a supplement to methods and pieces, with the goal of training the left and right hands in essential cello technique from the very beginning.

Finger Exercises for the Cello, Book One can be used after this book to continue training the left hand, while First Position Scale Studies for the Cello can be used to help train the right hand. Level 1B

Weight: 0.2 lbs
Book Type: Method
Publisher: C. Harvey Publications
In Stock

Book Type Method