Catalog ID:
Essentials of Music Theory, book 1
40 pages
Alfred's Essentials of Music Theory is designed for students of any age, whether listeners or performers, who want to have a better understanding of the language of music. In this all-in-one theory course, you will learn the essentials of music through concise lessons, practice your music reading and writing skills in the exercises, and test your knowledge with a review that completes each unit.
Book 1 (Lessons 1-25):
- Staff, Notes and Pitches
- Treble & Bass Clefs
- Grand Staff & Ledger Lines
- Note Values
- Measure, Bar Line and Double Bar
- 2/4, 3/4 & 4/4 Time Signatures
- Whole, Half & Quarter Notes/Rests
- Dotted Half & Quarter Notes
- Ties & Slurs
- Repeat Sign, 1st & 2nd Endings
- Eighth Notes & Rests
- Dynamic Signs, Tempo Marks & Articulation
- D.C., D.S., Coda & Fine
- Flats, Sharps & Naturals
- Whole & Half Step, Enharmonic Notes.
0.4 lbs
Music Theory
Alfred Publishing
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