Things 4 Strings Hold Fish for Violin or Viola - Black

Things 4 Strings Hold Fish for Violin or Viola - Black Things 4 Strings Hold Fish for Violin or Viola - Black Things 4 Strings Hold Fish for Violin or Viola - Black

The Hold Fish pinky support directs the tip of the pinky to slightly to the rear of the top of the stick. The sloped walls of the pinky-tip opening allow for finger flexibility. With the pinky in place and in control of the stick, the hand and bow arm may have the support needed for a relaxed and effective bow hold. This award winning bow aid slides along the stick to rest next to ring finger, allowing for a custom fit for all hand sizes, age 3 thru adult. Hold Fish are manufactured of the finest medical grade silicone rubber which eliminate latex allergy concerns and are durable and dishwasher safe. This comes packaged mounted on a jumbo Things 4 Strings pencil and are made in the USA. Invented by master string teachers, this award-winning Things 4 Strings bow accessory set helps shape and stabilize bow holds moving beginning players to a functional bow hold in an instant!

  • This Hold Fish pinky support is Concert Black.
Weight: 0.1 lbs
In Stock
