NS Design WAV4c Cello, Transparent Red

NS Design WAV4c Cello, Transparent Red NS Design WAV4c Cello, Transparent Red NS Design WAV4c Cello, Transparent Red NS Design WAV4c Cello, Transparent Red

The most affordable, high-performance electric cello.

The NS Design WAV4 Cello offers a combination of design, performance and affordability exceeding any other instrument in its class. True to NS tradition, the WAV captures the essence of an acoustic, yet opens up an exciting range of new possibilities.

With electronics fully based around the NS patented Polar Pickup system, the WAV provides amazingly natural cello tone, with freedom from feedback and wolf tones. Since 100% of the sound comes via the pickup, using looping and other electronic effects is easy and far more effective than with an amplified acoustic.


  • Length: 37''
  • Width: 5.5''
  • Thickness: 3.7''
  • Weight: 4.5 lbs
  • Scale Lenght: 27.36''
  • Body/Neck: Solid, straight grain maple neck and body. Flame maple face on all colors: Amberburst, Transparent Red, and Trasnparent Black.
  • Fingerboard: Hand-graduated. Intonation referenced with cascading dot markers.
  • Truss Rod: Two-way truss rod, accessible at neck.
  • Tuning hardware: 12:1 ration, fully encased worm gear tuners, black finish.
  • Bridge Pickup: NS Polar bridge-mounted piezo pickup system.
  • Electronic & Controls: Passive circuit with high impedance output, no batteries required. Volume control and Tone control (treble roll off).
Weight: 20.0 lbs
In Stock
List Price: $1,870.00
Instrument Style NS Design