Shahram and Saeid Rezvani violin, Los Angeles 2012

Shahram and Saeid Rezvani violin, Los Angeles 2012 Shahram and Saeid Rezvani violin, Los Angeles 2012 Shahram and Saeid Rezvani violin, Los Angeles 2012
Catalog ID: C-2945

Born and raised in Tehran, Iran, brothers Shahram and Saeid Rezvani became enthusiasts of classical music at a young age. After acquiring college degrees in non-musical subjects-Shahram in mathematics and Saeid in graphic arts-the brothers followed their passion for music and woodworking and turned to the craft of violin making. They studied with master luthiers Ibrahim Ghanbari Mehr in Tehran and Johann Robach in Vienna, Austria, before establishing their own workshop in Tehran. In 2010, the Rezvanis relocated their business to the United States, settling in Westlake Village, California, where they currently build violins, violas, and cellos, and provide repair and restoration services. They have made over 500 instruments together, which are owned by professional players throughout the world.

Length of back: 353 mm 4/4
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Instrument Style Rezvani, Shahram and Saeid